
Une Voyageure comme moi...

Arriving when the train was departing,

Waking up when the street lamps were still glimmering,

Expecting when the frigid air was running rushing the city...

I was a voyageur full-loaded with unpacked Joy from Paris

Looking back at where I was, I've embarked to yet another journey to the Nerverland. With slight delay, I have been held to stay on a fascinating island called Manhattan. I thought of unpacking my baggages and left some of the trivial pieces here so I could travel light. But I somehow stay, the unpacking becomes a status, the packing day doesn't seem to be near. As I slowly examine those trivialities from the past, they accumulate , forming overwhalming waves that wash me off to the shore of my Neverland. I see my traces, and yours, imprinted there, for good...

For my dear friends, wherever you are, I've been most fortunate to have you on my journeys.

*Special thanks to JohnWu's dedication in keeping memories alive through his lenses.